Other resources for students
Links to other useful websites and publications:
Feedback is a Dialogue - The University of Strathclyde's website on feedback. It includes a set of principles for good assessment and feedback with descriptions and examples, and leaflets with advice and resources for staff and students. www.strath.ac.uk/learnteach/feedback
Assessment Standards Knowledge exchange (ASKe) at Oxford Brookes Business School has produced resources including a booklet called 'Feedback: make it work for you'. www.brookes.ac.uk/aske/index.html or download booklet A version of this leaflet written specially for students in the Biosciences is available at http://www.bioscience.heacademy.ac.uk/resources/studentguides.aspx
Hepplestone, S., Parking, H., Irwin, B., Holden, G., Thorpe, L. and Burn, C. (2010) A student guide to using feedback. Sheffield Hallam University. Download leaflet.
A more detailed guide by Phil Race, Feedback (2007) can be downloaded from the Leeds Metropolitan University's 'Assessment, Learning and Teaching' website. Go to their publications page and click on the link to 2007 publications. The guide includes sections on 'What is feedback?', 'What to do when you get your work back', and 'Working out what written feedback really means!'. http://www.leedsmet.ac.uk/alt/